Unusual symptoms, and I’m pregnant. Starting to worry that it’s something else. Any advice appreciated
I have had an off and on pain in my upper right abdomen (right behind my breast) since last Spring. I cannot find a pattern with the pain, and it lasts for days. I would put it at a 6/10.
I have confirmed that I have gallstones, but the ultrasound says they aren’t infected or inflamed.
I am currently 15 weeks pregnant. I have not noticed a change in pain since becoming pregnant.
I’m just starting to get concerned because my pain is never bad enough to go to the ER, and I can still complete daily tasks. It doesn’t seem to be affected by what I eat, and it lasts days, not hours. It is becoming more frequent.
I’ve had a surgeon say he will perform the surgery if I want it, I just don’t want an unnecessary surgery. Has anybody else had symptoms like this?
I would appreciate any advice or direction. I’m on two medications for acid relief, and I have had GERD for 20 years. I’m obese, 35, non-smoker and non-drinker (even before the pregnancy).
Thank you!