Extreme bloating, morphine is not working

Had an big attack this night. 5 hours again..

My bloating was extreme, just breathing was hard. God I hate those attack. Nothing work, just hot bath.

After 3h I took a pill of 5mg morphine, surgeon's prescription for the pain. This was my first time taking a pill and after 1 hour, the pain was still there 😭 I feel more calm, relax but my right side was still in fire and bloating+

I had to finish my night in the bath, with hot water sleeping in it.

I was suppose to have my surgery on sept/Oct still no call yet. That was my 4th month since my last attack.++

Should I call my surgeon ? To see where I am on that damn list or asking for an other pills ? :(

My life was normal again and now here we go again 😭