9 hours post op
These stories were so comforting to read so i'd be remiss not to share my experience! This post is long so look for bolded titles if you wanna read a certain part. Sorry!
Leading up to surgery
I had GB attacks beginning in August. I knew it was coming - every woman in my family has theirs out after attacks, though usually in their 40s. I am 30sF.
Ultrasound showed stones but no inflammation or infection. GI suggested a scope, I turned it down. Met with my surgeon and asked to have my tubes tied at the same time. She said they do it all the time and we need to coordinate with my OBGYN. They put me on the schedule 6 weeks out.
In that time I had some attacks which I wouldn’t describe as the worst pain in my life. It just felt like my body was rejecting something under my ribs. Extreme discomfort, plus sweating, shaking, gas pains in my chest, etc. Twice the attacks lasted 6-10 hours, and puking cured the attack immediately. Most attacks lasted 1-2 hours. In a few instances I was able to stop an attack by taking the script anti acid my GI gave me, and drinking peppermint tea while pacing around. I considering skipping surgery and living with this but you all told me the risks so I moved forward.
I have panic disorder with many triggers but a big one is medical settings and being stuck somewhere I can't leave, ie hooked to an IV. Basic check ups send me into a tizzy. So I was obviously very nervous going into this. I also get shaky when I have to fast, and my surgery got moved to noon. So, to prepare I did this:
- at 11:50pm the night before I had a Kodiak cakes protein muffin that is really filling
- at 6am, I chugged a 50 calorie, 10 G protein Pwr Lift drink (anesthesiologist encouraged clear fluids up to 3 hours before hospital arrival)
- took my SSRIs as always
- smelled a “peace” aroma therapy stick during the entire pre-op - this really helped my intermittant anxiety throughout the morning
- brought my tablet and watched my favorite funny sitcom to keep me distracted while waiting
It all helped!
I didn’t need to take my emergency panic attack Valium, even though the anesthesiologist said I could do it. I'm still in shock over this. I had to take a valium at a non-exam checkup just last week.
Pre-op was fine - lots of people stopping in to ask the same questions. Anesthesiologist told my husband and me that time in OR is 3 hours, and then 2 hours recovery. (this was a false estimation on his part)
Now for the surgery
So anyway, arrived at 9:45. Surgery 12:00. Staff was great - every single one of them. I always tell the staff I'm nervous, have anxiety, react badly to IVs, etc. They were so kind and caring.
Just before wheeling me back I got nervous and I told them. They put something in my IV which caused a little bit of stinging/tingling in certain parts of my body, but it worked on my anxiety! I was happy as a clam in the OR while they were strapping my arms down (which would normally be a major trigger). I didn't even feel loopy, just totally calm. Whatever they gave me was simply magical. Oxygen mask on my face is my last memory. Woke up being wheeled into post op.
As I'm wheeled into post-op, I asked the time - 1:30pm. Prior to the surgery they said I'd be in OR for 3 hours, but nope! 90 quick minutes. I love to be given an overestimation, and then to be pleasantly surprised. In post-op I was starving, they gave me saltines and water, took out my IV. I got myself dressed no problem but was extra careful. They sent me home by 2:30. Put a pillow between my stomach and seatbelt like advised on this sub but I don't think it was necessary. I was also wearing high waist underwear and loose joggers, neither bothered me.
I'm home now and my insurance is still "reviewing" my oxy script, but I haven't needed it. I'm posted up in a recliner and I try to walk around when I can. Getting up and down hurts. I'm scared to lie in bed but will likely sleep in the recliner. taking motrin and tylenol. I have a handful of incisions and none of them hurt, rather the muscles underneath them.
I've been eating things I ate in my pre-op diet, just low fat foods. Small amounts but consistently eating because I've been starving all day.
I was most afraid of tender incisions and my clothes - not an issue. Afraid of gas - so far, nothing, though I have been good about a heating pad on my shoulder and stomach while I'm reclining in my chair. My throat is not sore from the tube during surgery. I put so much vaseline on my lips so they didn't come out all dry and cracked -- highly recommend. I was told to prepare to live in the bathroom - so far, none of that. I have not felt the need for an ice pack, only heat.
It's overall been a great experience thanks to the fantastic hospital staff and tips from this sub. I hope I'm able to eventually go back to eating my beloved cheese. Thanks everyone for your insight