Healer Support Galio

Been testing out some games as a tanky healer support version of Galio.

The first item I go for is Radiant Virtue, simply for the healing utility it provides after landing from my ultimate.

Not too far from the standard Evenshroud tank item, but where it really shines is when I get my 2nd item, Redemption.

I quickly learned that with Mythmaker or Infernal skins you can actually somewhat mask your ultimate (they will be reddish in color) if you cast Redemption heal on your ally and then immediately cast ult on them (the circle for Redemption will show red for enemies). You slam down the moment the heal goes off, which then activates your Radiant Virtue upon landing.

It actually provides a high amount of burst damage with the 10% true damage hitting just as you slam onto the fight.

I also run odd runes to go with it, which hurts your laning a slight amount, but teamfight utility gets a huge boost.


Aftershock (main rune) Font of Life (row one) Any but I choose Conditioning for mid game tanky power spike, but bone plating is better for early laning (row two) Revitalize (row three)

For secondary runes you can either go the standard movement speed focus through Nimbus Cloak / Celerity. Or go completely all-in on healing (like I do) by taking Overheal and Legend Tenacity to make up for tenacity sacrifices in Resolve tree.

Full items are Relic Shield, Merc Treads, Radiant Virtue, Redemption, Abyssal Mask, Last item optional on situation.

I know most Galio mains play Mid, so this won't provide much in a full ap playstyle, but for support it does give you a multi-dimensional playstyle instead of "I taunt, I bonk"