Game that requires only one character to win

At release of JJKPP I never seen a game that is way too dependant on a single character like the game ignored bunch of requirements just because you have this one very specific character.

I am not talking about dependant as in he can do everything but its more like he dont depend too much what your other characters do as long as he does his job.

I mean at this way I dont think the game is way too p2w but I dont think it wasnt that f2p because most of the multipliers dont rely with dupes of the character just the base stats of character rely on it. So you can actually still do damage but to maximize the output you will need to have dupes.

Now lets talk about not relying on mechanics that much, Being the damage dealer normally they dont have much sustain in exchange of dealing insane amount of damage why we do team building to sort of protect them and help them deal more damage but what if we remove that? You can go all out with damage modifier and just slap anything that could help to see bigger more damage. Did I forget that not just we forget that but I also need to tell that the character itself have highest damage buff for itself requiring less supports that does the same thing. They only made the downside that the character specifically leave at end of 7th turn because he aint taking damage anyway(Well if you do research you will find that he also have same character that literally just stay forever)

After all those rambling here is the character, Gojo. Well they say its Lore accurate but do we actually need characters that lore accurate for the sake of the balance of a game or even team building of a game?

At release of JJKPP I never seen a game that is way too dependant on a single character like the game ignored bunch of requirements just because you have this one very specific character.

I am not talking about dependant as in he can do everything but its more like he dont depend too much what your other characters do as long as he does his job.

I mean at this way I dont think the game is way too p2w but I dont think it wasnt that f2p because most of the multipliers dont rely with dupes of the character just the base stats of character rely on it. So you can actually still do damage but to maximize the output you will need to have dupes.

Now lets talk about not relying on mechanics that much, Being the damage dealer normally they dont have much sustain in exchange of dealing insane amount of damage why we do team building to sort of protect them and help them deal more damage but what if we remove that? You can go all out with damage modifier and just slap anything that could help to see bigger more damage. Did I forget that not just we forget that but I also need to tell that the character itself have highest damage buff for itself requiring less supports that does the same thing. They only made the downside that the character specifically leave at end of 7th turn because he aint taking damage anyway(Well if you do research you will find that he also have same character that literally just stay forever)

After all those rambling here is the character, Gojo. Well they say its Lore accurate but do we actually need characters that lore accurate for the sake of the balance of a game or even team building of a game?