New player here, my lag is just UNBELIEVABLE. I just want to know if something is wrong with my connection.
It's my first FIFA/FC experience i've been playing for a month now and I don't want to quit or complain. I have a quite nice team which is worth around 15m coin and i enjoy FUT a lot, only problem that i have is my input delay is LITERALLY A SECOND. It's impossible to defend, dribble or even ball roll. I already knew that FC servers are quite bad but i can't even switch player while defending. If i control the ball while receiving a pass, i get tackled and lose the ball. I can't make a single succesful tackle, i can't give a single succesful through pass, nothing. My player just does not respond in rivals/wl. I can easily win squad battle on hardest difficulty without input delay, yet i can't win a single game in DIV4. Is it normal to have LITERALLY A SECOND input delay or is there something wrong with my internet connection which is decent and doesn't cause a single problem in any other game?