Bronze Pack Method: Ultimate Guide! EAFC

For those that want to comment: I don't have time for that / other negative remarks:

You're cool. Someday we hope to be like you, commenting your opinion so someone will give us attention.

Let the "less cool" people have the information, to assist them if they so choose to spend the time doing so.

People will spend more time if they do this without guidance: allowing better efficiency/time saving.

Before Reading: Taking Care of Yourself First!

Always prioritise your real-world health first.

The game may bring you immense joy (against public opinions), but please try to balance your game-life and real-world life appropriately.

If you find yourself sacrificing sleep, missing appointments, becoming late to school/work: try to slowly reduce your gaming efforts.

This guide is the most effective balance to generating profit and creating a large fodder supply.

The “Upgrades” in the Challenges Tab will change over time ofcourse, but you can adapt to these quite easily!

Using Third Party Apps is against the TOS, if you want to use these to increase the efficiency by a landslide, this is at your own risk. These third party apps will not be mentioned in this post.

|| || |Step 1: Opening Your Bronze Packs||

I recommend doing this on ATLEAST a 30,000 coin budget (30k in your balance).

You will open up as many Bronze Packs as you can, doing the following actions:

  • Send all Players to club.
  • Quicksell Badges/Kits/Stadiums (you can price check stadiums - but it’s not worth it).
  • Send Duplicates to transfer list.
  • Sell ALL MANAGERS. Match the lowest price on the market, or hold any under-valued managers as an investment if you wish.


Step 2: Starting the “Mixed Leagues Upgrade”

You should start acquiring enough Bronze cards to complete 1-2 segments.

The most difficult segments to complete are the Sudamericana/Libertadores and MLS/ENG 2 segments.

To make completing the MLS/ ENG2 segment a landslide easier, bid on the following Gold Rare players for 600c.

  • (82) Luis Suarez
  • (81) Luciano Acosta
  • (80) Denis Bouanga

These three cards will significantly boost your rating, and check off a large chunk of your requirements in the process!


Step 3: Stuck on a “Mixed Leagues Segment”

You will get to a point where you simply can’t use the players in your club to complete anything else.

This may sound bizarre, but hear me out.

You want to sell all Ligue 1 (FRA 1) and Edervisie (NED 1) players:

  • These sell for a MINIMUM of 300c each.
  • Sell La liga (ESP 1) and Premier League (ENG 1): their ratings don’t help us.
  • You will gain plenty through future Bronze Packs and Silver Upgrades, likely a lot of them untradeable too.
  • This helps keep your coin balance healthy.


Step 4: “Bronze Upgrades”: Turning Bronze Cards Into Silvers!

I highly recommend doing the Upgrades first, to make selling the unwanted items much easier!


This is quite simple: any cards you can’t use, go into a “Silver Upgrade”.

You can also use silver cards you don’t need in the “Daily Silver/Gold Upgrade”

When you do your Silver Upgrades, I recommend excluding the following Leagues:

  • ENG 1 + ENG 2
  • FRA 1 + FRA 2
  • ITA 1 + ITA 2
  • GER 1 + GER 2
  • ESP 1 + ESP 2
  • NED 1 + MLS
  • Other in demand (Currently the league “LPF (ARG 1)”

You can also include BRONZE COMMON cards from MLS/ENG 2. These cards really don’t assist you much.



Step 5: Finishing “Mixed Leagues” Segments

After doing your Silver Upgrades, there is a high chance you can finish off your remaining segments.

  • Remember, you are best to bid on the 3x Gold Rare cards above for 600c to make this a million times easier/faster.


Once you become “stuck” again, repeat Step 1 - Step 5.

  • You will find yourself slow to start with, but like many things, repetition will see you become much quicker with it.


Dealing with Packs You Receive:

Open > List anything worth coins > Send the rest to your club.

You can quicksell them if you are low on coins/don’t like to club stock cards.

Any “Discard” gold’s, you should KEEP, so you can start to complete the “Premium Mixed Leagues Upgrade”

You will receive the following packs:

You can also save the big packs for good promos, that’s completely your choice!

  • TRADEABLE: 1x Small Prime Silver Players (SUD/LIB)
  • TRADEABLE: 1x Small Electrum Players (ITA 2 + GER 2)
  • UNTRADEABLE: 1x Electrum Players Pack (FRA 2 + ESP 2)
  • UNTRADEABLE: 1x Premium Mixed Players Pack (MLS + ENG2)
  • Completing everything delivers 1x Small Rare Gold Players Pack (Untradeable)


Step 6: Using Your Excess Silvers

Very much like the Bronze Upgrade, you want to turn your unwanted Silver Cards into Gold Common Cards.

These Gold Common cards will be incredibly handy for rating requirements.

It can even allow you to use some of those low-rated bronze cards (within reason) to maximise your value from the Bronze Pack Method (BPM).

To repeat, the information, exclude these leagues.

  • ENG 1 + ENG 2
  • FRA 1 + FRA 2
  • ITA 1 + ITA 2
  • GER 1 + GER 2
  • ESP 1 + ESP 2
  • NED 1 + MLS
  • Other in demand (Currently the league “LPF (ARG 1)”


You may end up with a lot of duplicate Gold Common cards, if you SBC Storage becomes full, this is addressed after Step 7.

This guide is typed to keep things “fluent”, making sense in a step-by-step manner that makes sense to you aspiring pack grinders!

|| || |**Step 7: Starting the “Premium Mixed Leagues Upgrade”**|

This is where much better rewards are:

  • TRADEABLE: 1x Jumbo Gold Pack
  • TRADEABLE: 1x Prime Electrum Players Pack
  • UNTRADEABLE: 1x Small Prime Gold Players Pack
  • UNTRADEABLE: 1x Small Rare Gold Players Pack
  • Completing everything delivers 1x Prime Gold Players Pack (Untradeable)


You will want to stop selling any Bronze Ligue 1 (FRA 1) and Edervisie (NED 1) players.

You can continue selling them again after you have completed the  FRA 1/NED 1 segment a couple of times.


Your BIGGEST HURDLE will be completing the SUDAMERICANA / LIBERTADORES segment.

There is no “easy” way to complete this in a cost efficient way.

  • I recommend grinding the “Mixed Leagues Upgrade”to generate golds/silvers to be used over time
  • If you want to speed this up, you can always look to buy “(83) Acuna” to help your rating substantially: just be warned this may not be enough still, as you need multiple golds and high rated silvers.


Using Duplicated/Unwanted Gold Commons You Receive:

As stated, you will have a lot of duplicate Gold Commons:

You will also find yourself stuck on certain SBC’s that require Gold Rare’s, higher ratings, but most likely, the Sudamericana/Libertadores segment.


When you become stuck, there is NO HARM to completing any active “Upgrades”:

Current active upgrades to use excess gold commons in:

  • Winter Wildcards Crafting Upgrade (10x common, 1x Rare)
  • 78+ Player Pick (Poor value, since you want to keep your Gold Rare cards for rating requirements.


Using both of these in combination, is the MOST EFFECTIVE. Even though player picks are poor value, it allows you to use duplicated Gold Rare cards.


Using both of these together, will then allow you to complete SBC’s such as:

  • 82 x 14
  • 85+ Player pick
  • More to come


Closing Notes and Trading Discord Link

|| || |Discord Link: Free Premium/VIP with TWITCH PRIME|

It can be a grind, but it can also be largely profitable.

It is insanely effective though: this is why “Bronze Pack Method” is a largely talked about concept.

  • If it wasn’t good, it wouldn’t be a recognised “Method”.

You will find your balance climbing slowly, but you also gain a large amount of packs.

If you don’t Pack that juicy Wildcards R9, I hope you gain enough fodder and coins to complete any juiced SBC you want.

Goodluck to all of you!