Google Pixel's Emergency SOS feature...the great new way to send nudes to friends

My day started off quite interestingly...have to share this one 😅

I went to bed a little late last night, but had to be up at 8am for some stuff. Set an alarm, no big deal.

8am rolls around, and I wake up to the familiar ringing sound. Half asleep, I start swatting at my phone, trying to press buttons to shut it up. In the process, I somehow hit the power button 5x and set off Emergency SOS.

The gentle ringing alarm turns into that blaring siren sound, jolting me about 5ft in the air, scrambling to stop it. I grab my phone and look at the screen (still half asleep). I see the notifications for "calling 911" and stuff about sending location and whatever else to emergency contacts. I'm thinking "SHIT emergency services are going to come, my friends will get scared, and I'm just laying here naked in bed!!"

I cancel everything, and scramble to type in "phone glitched" for the reason I'm canceling the SOS, before I scare some 12 emergency contacts.

The phone starts ringing and texts start coming in. Friends are concerned...but not so much about my safety but rather that MY PIXEL SENT EVERYBODY PHOTO/VIDEO OF ME NAKED 😅😅

So yes, Pixel's SOS features are a great way to send dick pics to people, folks.

Hope this gave everyone a good laugh, it'll balance out my morning embarrassment.


Sorry, the photo/video had to be removed per Rule 7.

This story has made it to Digitaltrends, Yahoo! Tech, Android Authority, and Telepolis, who may still have them in their articles.


TL;DR: Frantically tried to turn off my alarm while half-asleep, accidentally triggered Emergency SOS instead. My phone, in its infinite wisdom, decided to alert my emergency contacts…with live photo/video of me naked in bed. Phone calls and texts roll in within seconds, embarrassment peaks within minutes.