weight restored but stuck in quasi recovery

Hey guys. I developed an eating disorder last year after years & years of mental health issues. It forced me to get help & ultimately I was diagnosed with autism. Ever since then I’ve been doing a lot better in my recovery & I feel like I eat so much more than when I was deep in my ED, and exercise way less. However I still CONSTANTLY think about everything I eat, make sure my portions aren’t too big, am still scared of a lot of fear foods. Also haven’t gotten my period back yet. This morning I made the mistake of weighing myself for the first time in ages & found out I am not underweight anymore & it scared the living shit out of me. I know I need to push myself and fully commit to recovery but knowing that I’m already weight restored makes it so incredibly hard. How on earth do I get out of this grey zone?

Tl;dr - am finally at a normal weight but mentally still not recovered & don’t know how to change my situation