Blind trans men
Okay the title might be a but odd but let me explain!
Everytime I hear trans men talk about their dysphoria it's always something with how their body LOOKS. ''My chest looks so big!'', "my face is so feminine.", "I don't look like I pass." And so on
So it left me wondering how blind men experience dysphoria since they can't see their bodies?
Is it more how it feels? Like how the chest jiggles when walking/running, or how the body feels when touches or something??
Idk it was just a random question that popped inside my mind today
EDIT: yes I do still feel my body and feel dysphoric even when I close my eyes or am in the dark. But as a seeing person I still know how my body looks visually. I just wanted to know how the guys with no (or impaired) sight percieve their own bodies or if it would be any different