Does ds2 ever stop feeling….like this? Do you ever get used to it?
I remember ds1, at first, felt similar to this, except not to this extent. I eventually got used to ds1. But this is even more difficult than playing ds1 for the first time. I feel like I could really enjoy this game if I could just get over the blatant, objectively terrible flaws.
(This is NOT meant to be a debate thread. We all know. We know. Trust me.)
The controls/mechanics are probably one of the 3 main things that cause me to have my doubts about eventually enjoying it. But I thought I would never enjoy ds1, and some hours in, I did end up enjoying it.
Update: I started the hour long process of de-spawning all the enemies at Heide’s Tower so I could get the Ring of Binding. During this time I actually sort of enjoyed it. I did it so much that I wasn’t getting my assed kicked and it just felt like a souls game. I found myself not wanting to stop playing. I guess the grind makes it fun. At this point I’m so used to seeing “YOU DIED” that I expect to be running it back over and over, and that’s fine.