Who here remembers the epic fight clubs, duels and invasions at the Iron Keep in Dark Souls 2?

Just saw an old video of Dark Souls 2 PVP and man, those were the days!

I know, I know, "Dark Souls 2 bad" (its not)...but the sheer build variety and creativity and options that DS2 had was incredible. People were fucking original back then with their characters and builds.

I had a character back then on PS3 with 200 hours of playtime and 150 of those hours were only PVP, figthing in fight clubs, dueling and invading at the Iron Keep. Trying out builds and weapons, getting my ass handed to me countless times by the most powerful or ridiculous builds ever. I still remember that Goofy butterfly set LMAO

Dark Souls 2 had the best PvP and honestly still think It does, but thats just me. Not only that but that summer of 2014 playing the game and each on of the DLCs as they came out alongside the community was great. I truly love Dark Souls 2, even if I havent touched in years.
