Cas/ Attes, Poppy/ Sotoria

Kolis said Sera and Sotoria had physical similarities but Sotoria had red hair. Sera and Poppy were also said to share physical similarities.. but Poppy has red hair. Sotoria means “my pretty poppy” in the ancient language. When Poppy almost walks off a cliff, a god stops her and says “not again”. Poppy HAS to be Sotoria.

Attes seems like his feelings for Sotoria go deeper than he actually expresses. Casteel is called a “false primal” in ASOAAB. Casteel and Attes share similar physical attributes and personality traits. Both have horses named Setti. Casteel’s nick name is “Hawke”, Attes’ animal form is a hawk. At first I thought Casteel may be Attes reborn, but they have different hair colours and in AFITF we learn reborn souls would look the same as they did in their previous lives. Attes implies Kolis killed his children.. could Casteel be Attes’ son reborn?.. with his embers?

What do you guys think?