What is this?
I posted on here not to long ago but I’m absolutely tweaking out. I do matience cleaning (for poop and dead crickets) daily. As I’m doing my daily clean I lifted up the water bowl/hide my dumpy frog dewy loves. THEN THERES THIS HUGE BUG ON TOP OF HIM??? I immediately took it out and threw it outside. Do I need to take hint to a vet? Is he going to die? What is this bug? Why is he on top of my frog? And why does my frog not care?? Please help me I am freaking out
I posted on here not to long ago but I’m absolutely tweaking out. I do matience cleaning (for poop and dead crickets) daily. As I’m doing my daily clean I lifted up the water bowl/hide my dumpy frog dewy loves. THEN THERES THIS HUGE BUG ON TOP OF HIM??? I immediately took it out and threw it outside. Do I need to take hint to a vet? Is he going to die? What is this bug? Why is he on top of my frog? And why does my frog not care?? Please help me I am freaking out