Rant and different perspective when your family stays close to your ex-best friend

How do you feel about your family staying friends with your ex-best friend? I know for a long time it would irritate me, I was taught that you can’t trust anyone in your circle that stays friends with your ex-best friend because they’re essentially friends with your enemy. However today I had a different thought..

I saw a family member make a post about my siblings and my ex-best friend liked it. She usually likes this family members post and stays in touch with them through social media. We fell out because we stopped contacting each other one day. She had shown signs that she didn’t want to be friends anymore. I wasn’t gonna beg for her back. Lots of pride on both sides. My family members are aware of the situation but never unfollowed them.

I have another ex-bestie from high school that has lunch dates and check ins with another family member. That one really irritated me cause why weren’t they that close when we were best friends? And I’m really close to that family member and this ex bestie took zero accountability in our fall out. It was very easy to blame her even though I reached out a few times before I ignored her calls. This ex bestie also talked bad about me but I don’t think the family member was aware. I never said anything about it to my family. I was close to her family and they all stopped talking to me. I think we both handled the situation differently and while she was telling everyone it was me, I was saying “we grew apart”🙄. I should’ve been more honest, but I never wanted to have that type of karma from bad mouthing her.

Anyways, looking back there was no bad blood and I thought to myself what if it’s not about hurting me, what if it’s just a testament to what kind of company I kept? I had 2 really great people in my life and they continue to be great whether we’re friends or not. I think the feeling was mutual with the first bestie that regardless of what happened we both wanted the best for each other. Today when I saw my ex-bestie like my family members post. I felt loved from afar, almost like she missed me. We just weren’t what we needed at the time.

However this isn’t about the ex-besties, this is about my family members.

So readers, am I being delusional? For a long time this has made me doubt the trust I have in my circles, but maybe I’m thinking about this wrong. Do I need to be concerned with these family members that stayed friends with them or should I let it go? How do you feel about these situations when it’s happened to you? Please no slander, I want to have a conversation about this to help others as well. Venting is also welcomed too cause breaking up with a Bestfriend is for real a breakup and you can’t tell me otherwise.