iPhone refuses to come out of SOS
I have an iPhone 14 pro max and the underground parkade at work has no service. At times, when I go into the parkade, I would have service. Then the phone would go into SOS mode, as expected. But when I come back out, it wouldnt latch onto the freedom network. I tried turning airplane mode on and off and restarting the phone. Its like it has a mind of its own.
One small detail I have noticed though is that sometimes it would catch Nationwide and then fallback to SOS, I am guessing thats because freedom doesnt allow nationwide in freedom covered areas. It almost feels like that the phone tries to latch onto nationwide when it goes into the parkade (probably because the Big3 has better coverage in parkades), fails and falls back to SOS. When it comes within freedom coverage, it still tries to do that and keeps failing.
Anybody noticed this behaviour? Any fixes or workarounds for it?