Glo Fiber For Your Frederick Neighborhood

I try not to make too many of these posts, but I have found that this platform reaches exactly the type of people that benefit from fiber optic technology.

I'm a representative of Glo Fiber, and my job is simply to establish an easement agreement with communities that want our service. Not all communities in Frederick require my aid, because they may have completely public right of ways with no common area to need an easement agreement for. In that case, it's probably just a matter of time until Glo Fiber comes to your community in Frederick.

For those who live in an HOA (even if it has a public right of way, because sometimes we still have to pass through common areas) or those living in an apartment complex or stacked condominium, we would most likely require an easement agreement with the HOA or property owner (if it's an apartment). If you fall under that category, and you want Glo Fiber, I can help. I'm happy to attend board meetings or reach out to your property managers. Most importantly, you yourselves reaching out to your community representatives helps. Please let them know you're interested. I am also willing to provide my email if it is needed.