Why wouldn't spraying more would fix the nose-blindness and longevity issue?

Here's my question and theory,

Out of all the fragrances I own, I'm going to choose these 2 colognes for example.

Lataffa Asad and Lataffa Khamrah.

Even when I spray Lataffa Asad 2 times. Only 2 times, once behind each ear, I immediately go noseblind. I literally can only smell it for first few seconds and then it disappears vs if I spray Lataffa Khamrah, 8 - 10 times, I can still smell it on me for 8 - 10 hours, and yes everyone else can smell it too. Not sure if other can smells Asad. Why does this happen?

Theoretically, we should be going nose-blind to every strong cologne equally right? Why do some colognes just magically hold their presence? More so, why can't other "strong" colognes hold their presence either?

If I spray more, or I keep spraying until I can gently notice the presence, would that be perfect amount of sprays for me and my skin?

I want someone to give me a good explanation for why this wouldn't work besides the same old "Ol Factory fatigue and how your receptors wouldn't noticed the change in concentration of your cologne because it has already gone nose-blind"

Please, someone explain it better. Because I really believe that different people require different amount of sprays to get the same healthy "Arms length" amount of projection and different amount of sprays to get solid 8 hours of longevity.

Please explain!