Melee is severly underpowered (I want muh bayo back)

Doing a melee attack consumes so much stamina that killing someone with a gun is considerably harder than before. It sounds like a skill issue, but practically new melee weapons use is only for shits and giggles and not actual use in combat. Bayonets got nerfed beyond recognition and got taken all the fun they used to have. Melee always used to be quite hard the way aiming in this game works and now its even harder. The biggest problem is that after few inevitable misses you can run out of stamina which anyone with a gun can exploit to run away and shoot you safely. Charged attack can be more misleading than useful due to the player not having any information if he is making a charged attack or not and only way to know it (in the heat of battle) is to measure how much time you've held left click. Charged attack also that is well... charged is not very useful in fast heat of combat as charging takes too long and enemy can react faster. So basically unless enemy is unarmed, going into melee is a death sentence.

Suggestion here is to significantly reduce stamina use by fast attacks.

Regarding charged attacks I suggest removing them and adding damage boost proportional to players speed which would work great for bayonet rushes (which many loved). Maybe even you could instantly downing someone after such attack, so IF you were to live the next 1.7 seconds you would have guaranteed kill. This solution combines both the satisfaction of rushing with bayonets and prevents unstoppable killing sprees (atleast I used to wipe out entire trenchlines with this ok?) which i guess new mechanics are supposed to reduce?