Naolin theroy

I was thinking down a rabbit hole and realized that in battle Tairn dosent like to let violet dismount during battle, now obviously this is for safety reasons he can’t protect her on the ground as easily. However I can’t help but wonder if there is another reason, he dosent want to chance her pulling from the ground when she needs a lot of power. He knows that she lets her emotions run her to the edge if burn out and that like Xaden if she needed more power and felt it below her she may take from it to save others. (He dosent worry about this when she is training because he knows he can stop her before she goes to far imo.)

That being said I wonder if it’s also because that’s what happened to Naolin. He went to ground to try and save Brennan but was unable to with Tairns power so he reached for more. Also while writing this another thought occurred to me and maybe it’s something I missed. But Naplin was a siphon, what was he doing trying to heal Brennan? possible second signet?