Chapter 1's epigraph - a small theory

I finished Onyx Storm yesterday, spent the rest of the day on reddit reading comments and theories, then immediately went for an audiobook reread on the ride to work today... and I noticed something. Chapter 1's epigraph is:

I wilt not die today

I will save him.



Obviously you're made to think Violent wrote that about Xaden - it's the last big climactic event that happened and the thing that drives this book - but what if her edit to the book was MUCH later, and this was written about someone else? After reading the theory that Brennan is the "brother" who turns venin at the end, I am convinced that Violet writing this in the Book of Brennan specifically is RY laying out one huge clue right in front of our eyes before we even know we're meant to be looking for clues!

I believe Violet wrote that about Brennan, because Brennan is the one who turns venin.