OS Xaden/Naolin Theory

Okay I am not seeing many people talk about this line from the Xaden POV chapter where he refers to thinking he had killed the sage and he says: “I wonder how many initiates feel the same about their sage? At least one that I know of.” I think this could mean a couple things:

1) xaden has a close enough relationship with another person who is venin and in a similar situation to him - reluctantly venin and wanting out but trapped

2) I mis-interpreted it and he’s referring to himself (I didn’t read it that way at all)

So I was trying to figure out if it’s option 1 —- who could it be? It would have to be someone who turned for a similar reason I think - to save someone? Like….potentially Naolin? I know people think he channelled to save Brennan but if that’s the case he would’ve done it out of love, like xaden and maybe kept part of his soul. So maybe Xaden and Naolin are somehow going to work together on the inside? Idk just curious if anyone has any thoughts on this and who else he could be referring to!