Naolin theory
I’m doing a re-read of Fourth Wing and now I have a thought in my head that Naolin is much more than what we think he is now.
The popular theory is that Naolin is now venin.
I think he is now a god.
Kaori says in class that “bonding makes you a rider, but resurrecting someone from the dead? Now, that makes you a god. I somehow don’t think that Malek takes kindly to a mortal treading on his territory.”
But he didn’t fail in resurrecting - it cost him everything - but he did resurrect Brennan. But what did it cost him? His mortality? His bond with Tairn? What did Mira say after Andarna left? “How did you replace the power you lost?” Maybe Naolin survived because he is now a god.
Maybe Malek took him and has been punishing him for all these years but can’t kill him because he is now a god??? I DONT KNOW.
Combined that with RY confirming that the gods are going to be more prominent in the series. Maybe he’s a new god, maybe he replaced one of them?? Maybe he’s the new MALEK?!
And maybe the rune on Brennan’s palm? A symbol for Naolin like Dunne’s symbol on the priestesses foreheads.
Geezus, the more I think about it, the more it gets unhinged.
But now it has taken over my mind and I can’t stop thinking about it. Naolin is a god, now.
I’m sure Brennan would gladly…worship him.