Onyx Storm Signet Capabilities

We recently learned in an interview from RY that we have only seen 10% of Violet's second signet of dream walking. This prompted me to start thinking about what we have seen on the page so far and all the ways this signet could develop in the future. Spoilers below

On the page in Onyx Storm:

  • Violet can hide, observe, and influence thoughts and actions from another's perspective (Chapter 50) or can separate herself and become an individual participant in the dream (Chapter 56).
    • When Violet is observing from the dreamer's subconscious, she is able to see/understand the dreamer's motivations. She is also able to "meddle" in their thoughts. During the dream in Chapter 50, Violet notes that "I wrench my hand from the ground" to avoid channeling. Xaden later comments "I think you meddle, because I wanted to channel on that field and found myself raising my hand instead."
    • When Violet acknowledges that she is part of another person's dream "something that feels like a snap across the back of my skull" allows her to become a separate participant of the dream. She was then able to talk to the dreamer (Xaden) and leave the dream separately (she "woke" herself before then turning to pull Xaden out of dream)
  • Violet is able to manifest objects into existence in dreams
    • In Chapter 56 , Violet was about to "think" a dagger into existence while in Xaden's dream. She thinks to herself that she is unarmed ("I reach for my thigh but only find a smooth layer of leather") and later notes that "this is a dream...and if it were mine, I'd be armed. I slide my hands down my hip and find the hilt of a dagger" (implying there is now one at her thigh where there wasn't one before). In short, she imagines she has a dagger and one appears.
    • Violet's ability to do this surprises Berwyn ("the Sage's eyes widen on the polished wooden handle") and makes me believe this is an advanced/complex skill to master
  • Events in dreams manipulated by dream walkers could have implications in reality
    • When Xaden was being held and strangled in his dream by Berwyn, his body was physically reacting like he was cut off from air in reality (Chapter 56 "His spine is arched beside me, his head is thrown back in pain as he strains for the very air he's breathing"
    • Violet says "this is a dream. it isn't real" TWICE which feels a little too suspicious/misleading for my liking

These all seem like very powerful abilities and I can completely understand why the Irids think dream walking is a dangerous signet. Are there other abilities on the page that I missed? If this is only 10% of the signet power, what do you think is still coming?

Other related thoughts:

  • Rebecca also told us there is only one other person alive who can teach her about her dream walking signet. I am convinced this is Berwyn because:
    • He has the ability to pull and hold Xaden in dreams
    • He comments in Chapter 56 "and here I'd hoped you'd be a quick learner" implying that he knows how/has the ability to dream walk
  • I can't help but wonder if Violet's dream walking will end up looking very similar to the World of Dreams (Tel'aran'rhiod) from the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan. There are quite a few similarities

EDIT: made edit to correct the wording that RY used to describe "the only person alive..."