Crazy take theories
So this is my first post, please don't judge my elegant order of this. And note that ALL of what I'm saying is spoilers to the whole book, so don't read unless you've finished.
All of my Onyx Storm theories: SPOILERS!
The Luck Presents and meanings:
Mira's was wine- her spilled blood at Draithus. Maren's was tunics- ?? Dain's was a slap- the reality of him being just like Xaden and liking a first year (idk lmao). Ridoc's was a kiss- ??? Xaden's empty box- his soulless body. Violet's compass- path to Xaden. Garrick's rusty steel bucket- symbolism of him turning venin. Aaric's broken mirror- he loses his royal image by fighting, helping Xaden. Cat's ruby necklace- her being the Poromiel queen soon. Drake's cat- something to do with the white panthers, Shira, Shena, and Shora. Trager's death- I think something bad will happen to the gryphon's.
Who is Brewyn?
People have thrown out that it's Naolin, but I think it's deeper than that. I think he's one of the first 6 riders. Why? Well one, they tell us early on that there was only one recorded time in history where there were wielders with such strong signets before Violet and Xaden. It was the first six. Also, the venin knew about irids. Theophanie TOLD Violet about Irids. Who else knew about irids? The first six. Because one would've had to be bonded to an irid. Also in one of the dreams he states "I've waited centuries for someone with your power." To Xaden. So he's CENTURIES old, like the first 6. Now this is where it gets specific. Remember the journals they stole from the archives in Iron Flame? Well we knew one was from Lyra of Morraine. The other from Warrick of Luceras. Well the pre-text for Chapter 7 in Onyx Storm is "If I'm to be court-martialled for helping Braxtyn defend his people, then I shall welcome the trial. All who channel from dragon and gryphon alike should flourish under the wards, and now Aretia will be that haven should one of the others ever return." -Journal of Lyra of Morraine. -Translated by Cadet Jesinia Neilwart. Brewyn is a pretty close name to Braxtyn right? Also, Lyra was helping Braxtyn defend Aretia, which is Tyrrendor. All the first six were from the 6 continents. I think Braxtyn was the original Duke of Tyrrendor. Because in every one of Xaden's dreams, Brewyn holds THE SWORD OF TYRRENDOR to his head. Catch that? Also, at the end of Onyx storm, Xaden's chapter, he says, "The bond between Brewyn and me is one that should never exist, and now that my sage has another sibling he can use against me... I'm screwed." A blood bond, great great grandfather bond? So yeah, Brewyn is Braxtyn, who is the original Duke of Tyrrendor. Please tell me if this makes sense.
The Sloane signet
Okay so the whole transferring power between two men was crazy. But what we all caught was that afterwards, both Dain and Brennan's "drain marks" were gone. People say it's because Sloane's signet is the cure for venin. But there's also the theory that Theophanie has already hinted at the cure for veninism when she says "do you know the pain of never being allowed to return, of knowing that it would sever the very thing that's kept me untouchable all these years?" Hinting that dedicating herself back to Dunne would cure the venin. So how does that apply to the Sloane situation? Well Brennan, Sloane, and Dain were all pouring love and sacrifice into saving Mira. We haven't heard much about Loial other than the people who dedicate to her and Dunne do it for life, but I think the fact that the three were using their signets together with love, gave Loial the power to cure the veninism. So yeah, I think the God's are the cure for veninism. Also why the dragons don't fancy the gods, because if they can cure venin, who knows what they could do to dragons.
Xaden's Venin Sibling Its obvious is Garrick right? 1. He used up all his power in the Imogen chapter. He even tells her that. 2. The rusted steel bucket Luck present is a huge hint. Something literally turning an amber color. 3. Xaden says it's someone who's seen him struggle with the power for months, Garrick and Bodhi. 4. I see why yall think it could be Bodhi, because of Violet gaining Tyrrendor instead of him, but I think it's because Xaden respected his wishes when he stated he had no interest in the throne. The throwing up thing is weird too, but I think it's because he had FINALLY conjured his second signet. 5. Another hot take, Garrick is ACTUALLY Xaden's brother, even before venin. In chapter 36 when Garrick eats the cake, Talia (Xaden's mom) shrieks, "you poisoned my son?" Faris replies "Your son was wise enough not to eat it." But this was as she was staring at Garrick on the floor. Why they're hiding that tidbit I don't know, maybe he's not Fenn Riorson's son, and he's Xaden's half brother? MAYBE Brewyn's his venin daddy who knows.
Anywho. I know that's alot to take in. Let me know what you think.