What good independent fountain pen makers make non-resin pens?
Hi everyone
I was looking for some independent fountain pen makers, and it seems that most of them make their pens by using resin that (at least for me) makes all of them look the same as per their aesthetics, and even though they seem to be well made, looks like they all share the same line or swirl like patterns at the end of the day.
So I'm more interested in other fountain pen makers that rely more on other materials like wood, 3d-printed-plastic, metal or any other kind of non-resin materials and that also their pens:
- Allos to purchase and change nibs without relying on the maker (e.g Jowo nibs)
- Easy to get and use converter
- Easy to clean internally and also if spot-inked on the outside
- Suitable to be used posted and unposted
- And durable.
It'd be a plus if they also allow them to be customized by the purchaser
Thanks in advance for your reply