How to introduce someone to F1?

While I have been an F1 fan for quite some time now, none of my friends are interested in car racing at all. Now I finally managed to get one of my friends to watch a race with me, after having gradually eased him in by telling him stuff about f1 in school. He unfortunately still thinks that racing can’t be interesting to watch, so I have exactly one (1) race to convince him otherwise.

I do not know though which race would do the trick because it should fit the following:

  • it should be from the last two to three seasons, so if I manage to convince him to watch more he could mostly follow the same drivers as in said race

  • it should have great racing and possibly battles all over the grid (not just backmarkers or the top 3 fighting)

While a good storyline is nice to have, without f1 knowledge he wouldn’t understand the significance so it’s not needed (for example Abu Dhabi 2021 or Monaco 2024)

My mind went firstly to Brazil 2024, but I don’t recall how good the race action besides the obvious Verstappen masterclass was, so I’d like a second opinion before picking anything.

As I unfortunately only have "F1 TV Access" Australia 2025 is off the table because I can’t re-watch it yet

(Also I would like something without a McLaren win, but that’s just personal preference and can possibly be overlooked)

TL;DR: what’s a good race to convince someone to start watching f1?