New here

So some back story, I’m circumcised (obviously) and have always been kind of envious of guys with foreskin. I mean who doesn’t want more pleasure down there and not have to use lube when jacking off? I think I have the high and tight circumcision and RCI-2 flaccid and maybe RCI-3 erect. I think my frenulum is almost all the way gone (I know rip) because I can barely see it and it’s barely defined, definitely not separated from the rest of my penis. When Im erect I can move just the skin, so it’s not painfully tight or anything, but definitely not close to moving foreskin. I’m not resentful at my parents for having me circumcised, but I wish they didn’t since now if I want to have a foreskin I have to go through years of regrowth.

So right now I’m wondering is it worth it? My living conditions make it so I can’t and don’t want to order any tools like tape, so I’m stuck just doing the manual II technique for now. I mean the way intact guys talk about sex or masturbation with foreskin sounds incredible, so I’m willing to put in some effort for that.

I’m far away from having kids but I’m trying to consider whether or not I would circumcise by boys. I think I’m leaning towards no, obviously I wish I wasn’t, but there are studies that say circumcision prevents STIs and STDs but like 40%, which is not an amount to be scoffed at. For example, studies referenced here: I’m not even worried about them being picked on or seen as different because, no. 1, who cares, and no. 2, where I live in the US, you never see your friends or anyone your age naked, unless maybe you’re at a public gym in the locker room.

Of course, I think everyone should be practicing safe sex, but condoms don’t protect you 100%. Do I even want to restore it if I’m going to be more at risk for STDs or STIs? There are also studies referencing the risk of penile cancer:

I wish it was just easy, 100% keep it natural, and that’s better for everyone, but if it can prevent all these conditions, should circumcision be completely shunned? Should you just leave it to your kids’ choice, even though it would be way more of an annoyance to do it in adulthood? I’m not trying to offend anyone, of course, just wondering what people think?

But yeah, should I try to regrow it considering the years it’ll take plus potential risk, or are those risks unfounded?

Also forgot to mention I really don’t like the keratinization of where the foreskin used to be. I think it looks a lot better aesthetically for it to be nice and moisturized, especially since some guys strip their dicks of any moisture or natural oils. Luckily, the Dr. who circumcised me did a pretty good job, and on the back of my penis, everything is lined up and pretty clean, whereas I’ve seen some guys with it being really uneven. I don’t mind how my dick looks, but I find foreskin really attractive.