Just another person who hasn’t gotten their card

My husband and I always made slightly too much to be approved for food stamps. Even though all of our money goes to bills, the government always thought we had tons extra to just blow.

I lost my job in November and can’t get unemployment. We’re barely getting by and will probably lose our home soon if I can’t get a job. I’ve had issue after issue with the places I’ve applied to. I’ve got a few interviews but who knows how those will go.

We actually got approved this month because of me losing my job. Took them well over 30 days to actually approve us, because why would they care if we need it? We have a 7 month old and were approved for $392 monthly. Not fantastic as we eat a lot more than that, but it would definitely help.

Our card was sent out on the 16th (We live in Ohio). After finally figuring out how to get hold of someone on that stupid helpline (it took me forever to figure out how to get an actual person), they told me we should have it by Monday. Monday comes and goes, Tuesday comes and goes, Wednesday comes and our expected delivery shows no card arriving. I had to call back and order another one. Address was correct so I don’t know what the hell the issue was. It can’t be shipped priority, because why be helpful to someone? We can’t have people being helped. He said he could mark it urgent but then said that doesn’t do anything except hopefully make it arrive more quickly 🙄


I read a post on here from a few years ago where people were saying they had ordered five cards after the first one didn’t arrive and their local agency wasn’t helping. One person said they were told they had to order five cards before they could be helped. So basically, they would have to wait months before being helped with the issue. I mean, it’s not like we need the food stamps, right? We can wait. Printing cards in the office wouldn’t help anyone and would make the workers have something extra to do so that’s not an option.