Looking for a budget friendly folding bike in Europe
Hey, folding people
I'm in town for a foldable bike. I had my eyes on the Decathlon aka BTWIN Fold 500, but it looks like they are out of stock. I wrote to them to make sure though.
I checked the stats on the other variants of the same bike, namely the 100; 120 and 560. I was ok with the 100 and 120 because the I don't need no fancy fandangles for my bike and I am totally fine with a steel frame. The two lower numerical bikes were 6 speed but the teeth number was the same range and even greater than on the 560, which means they would be going slightly faster. These are also not available.
The 560 costs 600 EUR which is 150 EUR more than the Fold 500 and I just can't excuse such a price hike for added sub-par upgrades and lower top speed. The 560 is available however, ugh.
That is why I came here to ask if anyone knows a good foldable bike that I could order maybe from Germany or elsewhere in Europe and be in about the same price range as the aforementioned bikes.
If nothing like that exists, I would also appreciate the next best thing. Cheers!