Am I alone in wanting a free states title?

Hi to all, I wanted to reach out and see how the community feels on the topic. I have been a free states diehard for years now and forever will be, tho due to the small amount of love it seems to get and my love of creating a lore background for my character I have recently branched out and become a full fire-breather as well. I find it very fitting as they are a sub-section of the responders and they can be everywhere. Plus I love being a fire Medic and melting bosses so it definitely fits well for myself. However with the introduction of titles I have found myself wanting and hoping for a free states title (preferably a prefix). I wear the fire-breather title with pride but would love so much if I could have my official title be (Free States Fire-Breather) to better represent me and my character. Idk tho if I'm alone in this thought so I figured I'd reach out and see how the community feels as well. Thank you to all who may stop by and have a wonderful day wastelanders!

Edit: Thank you to everyone who stopped by!! This was wonderful to wake up to, and I believe I was able to respond to everyone! Again huge thank you and have a fantastic rest of your day wastelanders!!