October 10, 2023 Patch Notes

Our latest update for Fallout 76 launches today, and it's bringing a host of bug fixes, gameplay improvements, and more. Read on for a full list of patch notes for today's update.

Update Version

Check the download sizes below for today's patch on your platform of choice:

  • PC (Steam): Version 1.81 - 9.24 GB
  • PC (Microsoft Store): Version - 9.8 GB
  • PlayStation: Version 1.81 - 9.24 GB
  • Xbox: Version - 13.3 GB

Design Changes & Improvements

  • Gameplay: We've rebalanced self-inflicted damage from explosions.
  • Seasonal Events: We've added new costumes and rewards to the seasonal Spooky Scorched and Treat or Treat events.

Bug Fixes & Improvements

Armor and Power Armor

  • Power Armor: Players no longer fail to enter Power Armor if the lowest charged battery is also equipped to a weapon.
  • Plushies : Updated Plushies to be more consistent in which Display Cases they can be displayed in. Larger plushies are now not able to be displayed in as many situations. NOTE: If you have plushies already in your displays that are backwards, you may have to place them again.
  • Underarmor: Alaskan Winter Secret Service Armor will now use the Secret Service Underarmor Mod Grouping instead of Casual Underarmor Mod Grouping.
  • Underarmor: Fixed an issue where the Secret Service Underarmor preview was appearing with the Alaskan Winter Underarmor paint applied.
  • Armor: The Raider Buttressed Armor mod now uses the correct model.
  • Armor: Arctic Marine Armor can now have the following paints applied to it; Red Viper, Free States, Nuclear Winter and Atomic Camo.
  • Armor Mods: The Aristocrats legendary armor mod now grants the expected increase in health and energy damage resistances bonuses as the player gains more caps.
  • Armor Mods: The Secret Service armor can no longer drop with the Weightless Legendary mod. (UPDATE 4:11 pm ET, this change will be reverted soon, and Secret Service armor will once again drop with the Weightless mod.) Solar and Thorn Armor can now drop with the Weightless Legendary mod.
  • Armor Mods: The Fiberglass Combat Armor Limb mod now provides correct damage resistances.
  • Armor Mods: All Pocketed, Brawling and Deep Pocketed Combat Armor and Leather Armor Mods now correctly change appearance when applied.


  • Apparel: The Alaskan Winter Helmet no longer appears as a Luchador Mask when crafted.


  • Fermenting: The Brewery Fermenter has been updated to prevent it from being placed in both public workshops and in player shelters.
  • General: Addressed an issue causing various items to not show up in the crafting menu such as; The Auto-Axe, Cold Shoulder, Union Power Armor, Makeshift Ronin Helmet, and Gladiator Mask.
  • Prefab: Addressed an issue where players could not place items inside the Earthlight Lounge Prefab.
  • Recipes: Fixed recipes not properly appearing in the Workbench unless required Perk Cards were equipped.
  • Decor: The Vine Wall décor now comes with a half wall variant.


  • Mutated Events: Drop odds for plans from Mutated Events should be closer to expected percentage chance values after learning either all the Rare or all the Ultra Rare plans.


  • Cannibal: Players can no longer eat corpses while also using furniture.


  • Weapon Mods: Gamma Wave Emitter mod now increases the capacity of fusion cores.
  • Ammo: Fixed an issue where fusion cores were not showing their condition properly in transfer menus.
  • Ammo: Plasma cores' maximum ammo per charge is once again 500 rounds.


  • Ally: Fixed an inconsistency in Grandma Junko's dialogue subtitles.