An Update RE: Fire Damage & Crafting Plans

Hello Vault Dwellers!

We’ve seen your concerns about fire damage and wanted to give you an update on what we are doing. Currently, we are undergoing a thorough sweep of Fire damage based on your incredible feedback. This will include changes to how fire damage is calculated and balance updates for both enemies and armor. We'll have these changes ready for players to test in our next PTS release in early October and hope that you will all let us know how things feel! More information on our next PTS will be provided in an Inside the Vault article later this month.

Lastly, we wanted to address the reports of being unable to craft specific items such as the Union Power Armor and Auto-Axe. This is a priority for us, and we have a solution to address this that will be in our next update.

EDIT 4:21 ET: I've received confirmation from the dev team that this also includes energy damage changes!!