Interviewing Struggles, advice?
Everything started earlier this year. I finished my undergrad and was transitioning from flight instruction to a Part 91K operation at the same company. By that time, I had been instructing for the last four years and occasionally working as a survey pilot, but I was feeling burned out from both. Just as I made the switch to the corporate side, the ownership group that my company was managing switched to another management company with their own people. Essentially, I lost my ‘unicorn’ job without anything to show for it.
Since then, I’ve interviewed with five different companies.
At the first company, the owner liked me, but the chief pilot said I was too expensive to insure. For the second company, I passed the sim evaluation, but in my eyes, I flew poorly, which put me in a funk, and I didn’t do well in the interview. After that, I realized I needed to spend more time preparing for interviews and started using
The next two interviews felt like they went well, but I still got a TBNT. One was after the first stage with just HR, and the other was after a chat with the chief pilot.
After investing in the ATP-CTP and preparing, I got a phone screen with NetJets but received another TBNT. I think part of the issue for this one was that I was really nervous because I really wanted that job.
Now, I’m sitting here wondering if there's something I’m doing or not doing during these calls that’s causing me to miss out on opportunities. I just don’t know what it is. Prior to this, I never had to interview for jobs—I was always recommended by someone and hired, so I don’t have much experience with the interview process.
Any advice goring forward?
2300 TT, 100 ME PIC
TL;DR Apparently i suck at interviewing, any advice?