Is it faux pas to discuss accidents?

My flight school had an accident a while back. I heard from other students their instructors were told not to proactively mention or discuss it. When I asked my instructor about it, they also seemed purposely ambivalent and wouldn't offer their opinion on it. They said that they weren't an accident investigator and eventually it'll come out what happened in the official report.

As an engineer who's used to having blameless post-mortems and open discussion on incidents at work, this seemed rather backwards to me.

I get how it can be inappropriate to speculate on accidents, especially when it's not clear what happened or who's at fault, but I would have thought aviation safety culture would leaned more towards freely talking about this stuff. Instead the culture appears to be more hush hush and uptight, in that people will discourage others from discussing too much in public if they feel uncomfortable about it or tell others to stay in their lane if they think too much was said. Is this true?