Mod - Convoy 3x21a with SFY55 6500k
So in my struggle to find a suitable host for the SFY55, I have not found many that have the right combination of high amp driver and big single reflector size...
As a fallback idea, I took a Convoy 3x21a and installed the 54A 3v driver (from Convoy) in it. This host takes a 40mm MCPCB, but the SFY55 only is sold with 32mm or 50mm MCPCBs. It wasn't possible to grind down the 50mm one without breaking it, so I had to go with the 32mm. This doesn't leave much room at all to fit a reflector around the LED.
I put in the orange peel XHP70 reflector that is sold separately from Convoy store. The reflector hole has to be quite wide, up to 23mm diameter (16mm x 16mm footprint with 11.5mm x 11.5mm LES) so quite a lot of Dremel time was necessary. I don't think a suitable centering gasket exists for this beast, so this reflector has to sit directly on the MCPCB. Since the MCPCBs are 3mm thick, this works out well, since if the reflector sits any higher up, the bezel won't screw down. The MCPCB is slathered in a ton of white liquid electrical tape just out of view to prevent the wires from causing a short with the reflector.
The poor springs in this thing for a little hot the first time I turned it on, so I had to double up the springs to keep them happier. Probably should have been bypassed, but my solder skills on spring bypasses need work...
The result seems pretty good. It looks like north of 20K lumens and 500m on turbo. It doesn't get as hot as you would expect as quickly as you would expect, because this LED seems like it needs to be driven much harder. With only 54A, it seems like the LED is "bored". These are supposed to be good up to 800w, but that would require a really monstrous host and driver combo.
This SFY55 was the "6500k" one, which actually seems a little warmer, running closer to 6000k. CRI is close to 70. With the orange peel reflector, the hotspot is pretty clean and doesn't suffer from eggyolking like SF emitters sometimes have with unsuitable reflectors. Tint would be better if I could find a green AR lens, but Convoy only seems to sell purple AR in this lens size.
If the Convoy e-switch UI wasn't so weird, this might be a cooler light. Probably not the most practical light either. But it was a fun project at least.