An Update On Five Nightmares: DREAMCATCHERS

Gee, It's been a while...

Sorry for not updating on this for a while, I kinda forgot about it. I was planning on making this a story and uploading it, I was having trouble accurately figuring out how to adapt my ideas to that medium.

It would've had Isabell travelling around Red-Iris, evading the nightmares/Irenes, and searching for a way back home. The problem was that I found it kind of hard to think of a way to link the locations together, and I was never very happy with how it turned out. Plus, I feel like I was a bit too ambitious with my plan.

So instead, I've decided to instead make it a Fangame!

It'll be much more simple, and smaller scope than the story would've been, but I still have a plan to translate the basic plot into the new format. I'll likely release a demo in the near future.