Fired Feds / Financial Stuff
Context: I have 2 weeks left of my 30 days admin leave, which means I’ll get one more check, and a small payout for leave. I’ve only been a fed for 6 months, so my TSP is around 3k. I don’t have any real leads (other than ✨hope✨) on the 12 applications I’ve submitted in the past two weeks, and have started the process of becoming a substitute teacher ($85/day because even tho I have a masters, I’m not a certified teacher). I’ll file for unemployment when I get my separation forms but I’ll still be making less than half what I made prior to 2/14 (gotta start my OnlyFeds soon I guess).
Question: Should I just cash out my TSP since it’s so small? I know I’ll pay a penalty.
SIAA, I looked and there are a lot of dups but didn’t see this question specifically, but unemployed legit gives you brain fogs so pardon if I missed it.