SFPE-Rocky Mountain Chapter Fire Protection Scholarship

The Rocky Mountain Chapter (RMC) of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) will award two academic scholarships to the two most qualified candidates in the amounts of $5,000.00 and $3,000.00 respectively for the 2025/2026 academic year.  The primary goal of these scholarships is to promote and encourage students in the Western U.S. states to consider a career in the field of Fire Protection Engineering.  We are pleased to be able to continue to offer two scholarships, as we have now done for the past 6 years, with the intent of having a meaningful impact on as many students as possible. "West" is defined to include everything from North Dakota down to Texas and west for the scholarship.

Completed applications are due by 5 PM MDT, Monday April 14, 2025.  Awards are determined by the RMC scholarship committee, consisting of 3 to 5 volunteers.  We will reach out to each applicant personally to let them know of the committee’s decision, no later than May 06, 2025.  Funds will be distributed directly to the educational institution of the recipient’s choice.

Applicants must meet the following criteria at the time of application:

I. Demonstrate a sincere interest in pursuing a career in fire protection engineering or fire science;

II. 1) Permanently reside in, 2) Have graduated from a high school or vocational school located in, OR 3) are enrolled as a full-time student in a college or university located in one of the Western U.S. States defined above.

III. Enrolled in or accepted into any college or university as a full-time student with a declared degree path in science, technology, or engineering OR enrolled in or accepted into any college or university as either a part-time or full-time student in a program with a Fire Protection Engineering or Engineering Technology degree tract

If you or someone you know would be interested, please send them this info! Scholarship information and application can be found on the SFPE-RMC website.