Is Minoxidil worth trying if my hair is genetically fine/sparse around the temples?
My hair is very similar to Lily Rose Depps just for context. The temple area particularly is what really bothers me, and I’ve tried all the vitamins/oils etc to try filling it out. It has helped ever so slightly, noticeable to me who practically monitors it under a microscope lol. Ive been seriously considering giving Minoxidil a go, but have heard such drastically varying accounts about it online. Some say it doesn’t help at all if it’s just genetics, some say it absolutely helps speed up growth, fill out temples with new baby hairs, courser texture, etc. My other hesitation is the dread shed.. from what I’ve read on here, lots of people are traumatized from the process and it does sound very scary, but I’d be willing to do it if it meant it would actually bring some fullness to my naturally fine hair. Since I’ve had this hair type all my life and am used to it, I’m not necessarily in a “this is my last resort” mindset, Ive just always dreamt of fuller hair. Anywho.. for those who have tried it… was it worth it? Thanks in advance to all my fine haired girlies <3
My hair is very similar to Lily Rose Depps just for context. The temple area particularly is what really bothers me, and I’ve tried all the vitamins/oils etc to try filling it out. It has helped ever so slightly, noticeable to me who practically monitors it under a microscope lol. Ive been seriously considering giving Minoxidil a go, but have heard such drastically varying accounts about it online. Some say it doesn’t help at all if it’s just genetics, some say it absolutely helps speed up growth, fill out temples with new baby hairs, courser texture, etc. My other hesitation is the dread shed.. from what I’ve read on here, lots of people are traumatized from the process and it does sound very scary, but I’d be willing to do it if it meant it would actually bring some fullness to my naturally fine hair. Since I’ve had this hair type all my life and am used to it, I’m not necessarily in a “this is my last resort” mindset, Ive just always dreamt of fuller hair. Anywho.. for those who have tried it… was it worth it? Thanks in advance to all my fine haired girlies <3