The day I stopped trying to find my passion and started noticing my patterns
Spent years obsessing over finding my "passion." You know, that ONE thing I was meant to do. That perfect career that would make everything click.
Made endless lists. Took every personality test. Asked successful people about their journeys. Still felt lost.
Then last week, procrastinating on LinkedIn, I started looking at my browser history instead. Noticed something weird: The random stuff I did when I wasn't trying to be productive actually had a pattern.
Always explaining things to people. Always breaking down complex ideas. Always drawn to teaching moments, even in my gaming groups.
Wasn't about finding some grand passion. It was about noticing what I naturally drift towards when nobody's watching.
Started looking at my "wasted time" differently. Those hours helping friends with projects. The reddit posts I enjoy writing. The parts of my current job I look forward to.
Turns out your path isn't always about what you love - it's about what you do when you forget to watch yourself.