Posting Death Certificates as a Photo in a Memorial
Hey, all. Another question I'd appreciate your thoughts on.
Not super common, but I've seen quite a few memorials on FG that have a screen shot of the death certificate posted. I've noticed that some folks seem to create memorials based on death certificates and will upload the certificate as the photo. At least, that's my impression because they don't post a picture of the marker, just the certificate. Is this cool to do?
I'm asking because it's pretty common to find graves that never got more than the free marker that the cemetery puts on it. I've been pulling up a death certificate if I can find it, to add a date of birth, full date of death and possibly some bio information if it's available (e.g., mother and father's name). When I do this, I'm very confident that it's the right person because, in addition to the bio information, the death certificate lists the cemetery name. I've been add a comment to the memorial manager that the suggested edits come from the death certificate, but it would be an easy thing to upload the document, as well.
Update: Thanks everyone for the information and tips. I've tried a few different things and what feels best is writing a short summary of the DC information in the bio section. "According to the death certificate...." It takes about the same amount of time to do this as it does to save and upload the document, and I think it's kind of a nice touch. Plus, one of the cemeteries I'm updating is in a historically rough area, and there are a lot of sad stories that just don't need to be advertised. Suicides, drug overdoses, and homicides are not uncommon.