Why did anyone think this was a fun idea

I just want this nightmare to end. I'm on day 6 of doing nothing but this race trying to get the sun sigil. Last time I played was in 2019 and it took me over 2 weeks to get it. I just want to be done with this.

The guy who designed this deserves any hate mail he got, and if I knew his name I'd be sending him very angry emails. Is there anyone on PlayStation that can help?

I just want this nightmare to end. I'm on day 6 of doing nothing but this race trying to get the sun sigil. Last time I played was in 2019 and it took me over 2 weeks to get it. I just want to be done with this.

The guy who designed this deserves any hate mail he got, and if I knew his name I'd be sending him very angry emails. Is there anyone on PlayStation that can help?