I don't know if this is an unpopular opinion but Yuweyawata Field Station is one of the best dungeons in the game.

I have been recently doing a lot of expert dungeons again and everytime I get into this dungeon it's just a peak experience. The first boss is tame but once you get to the second boss the dungeon just becomes crazy. I constantly have to rezz people on my RDM or SMN. Out of 10 runs 7 runs had over 10 deaths (most of them on the final boss)

For some reason people just can't handle the speed of the telegraphs on the second boss. The final boss absolutely destroys inexperienced players during the second phase and during the ruby weapon style mechanic in phase 1. It's also really cool how the arena completely changes. On top of that the dungeon absolutely nails the visuals and mood. The way to the final boss arena is amazing.

I haven't felt so much joy in a story dungeon since "The Burn" or "The Vault" during Heavensward in terms of difficulty and vibes. My party members also seemed to enjoy it a lot everytime due to the difficulty. It just felt satisfying to clear. I hope the team keeps this level of difficulty for normal dungeons. If they somehow improve also the trash in the future and make trash more dangerous like in criterion dungeons then I feel like normal dungeons have the perfect difficulty.

Edit: Holy shit so many people commenting their experiences with XIV dungeons. Reading through all of them rn. Love the nostalgic ones especially :D