Genuine question: why is this community filled with such weirdos?

For context, I love 14, I've been playing on and off for 3 years now, whenever I can afford it. I've been trying to get my fiance into this game for a LONG time now and she finally cracked and started playing. At first we were both having a blast, I made an alt to play along side her and she loved it. About a week goes by and out of the blue she can't stand the game, "it feels too sexual and the community is weird". Odd, I thought. Sure some outfits are a bit risqué but that's what glamours are for, what does she mean sexual? And the community? Everyone I've met has been pleasant enough, save the 1 ego tank. Surely we can't be playing the same game?

Then she shows me the multitude of messages she's gotten via tell when I'm offline. And my lord. There are some true blue sick weirdos on here. To the point you literally drove a player away. From typical female character harassment to straight up stating her character was underage and saying things I'm sure would remove my post here.

What is wrong with people? I understand it's a fantasy game but you use it to live out some sick fantasies. And sure it's not the whole community, but it's clearly enough it's actively driving people away at this point. Not to mention half the stuff being said would literally be ILLEGAL irl so like ???? How is this okay?!?!

Edit: for the record, no, we do not play on calming. We avoided the hell out of balmung. It's on dynamis data center, Merelith? I think? I forget which exactly but I wanted her to get the xp boost.