F**ked myself with the sphere grid

EDIT: I beat Evrae finally on 3/24

Okay so LuLu TOLD Tidus (I’ve named him Tidiboi in the game 😂) to learn magic before we get to Bevelle when we leave Home on the airship.

I used a teleport sphere to send him to her grid to learn black magic and now I can’t get him back to his grid. NO I don’t have a second save that’s convenient to go back to.

I can’t beat Evrae and I’m grinding like hell on the ship before taking it on again. Seems like it’s in vain though because I used the teleport sphere to cross level both Tidus and Khimari and they are now locked out of their own grids. This is the furthest I’ve ever gotten in the game. I even have the completion guide but it’s not as detailed as the one for ffx2.