Ferret face swelling? What could’ve caused this?
Hi. I found my little old lady here with a big swollen face this morning! She was in her bed in her pen as usual. I’ve already called the vet, they told me that because she’s acting normal and eating, to just keep an eye on her unless her health declines. It’s been about 12 hours since I first found her like this, at first the swelling was going down, but now it’s gone back up, worse than it was. I don’t know what to make of this, what could’ve caused this? There’s no sign of a sting anywhere. Could it be caused by impact or allergies? I’m gonna call the vet again in the morning. I can’t tell if she’s declining in any other way because she’s old and sleeps a lot as is. We’ve looked around for any stinging bugs but didn’t find any. I’m at a loss. Has anyone had experience with this? Photo is from a few moments Before I typed this out. I’m hoping it goes down overnight But I’m not sure.
update: her swelling has gone down a lot! She still does her usual running to her plate to get food and then rolling around and cleaning herself on their rug and getting her snuggles and pottying where she isn't supposed to. one eye is wide open and the other is halfway open. I’m unfortunately going out of town soon, so I’ll be sending someone to take her to the vet in my place.