FTB Evolution 1.11.0 - Quarry Plus won't break blocks
I'm having trouble with Quarry Plus on my server.
I can place the quarry and power it. I can see it build a frame and begin mining. The server logs suggests that it should be OK to start digging.
It won't break any blocks and no blocks are emitted.
I've tried in the Overworld and the Mining Dim with no luck.
I've read that a "fake" player may be prohibited somewhere in the config (Teams, etc.) but I can't find anywhere they're prohibited.
Any suggestions how to fix this?
EDIT: I just tried a singleplayer world, and saw the same results. I suspect that the "QuarryPlus:Quarry" is effectively disabled in the modpack because its too easy to build (compared to other quarries in the mod.)
I'm also hoping I'm wrong and Cunningham's Law will kick in. :)