I feel truly screwed at this point and am losing the will to fight.

I’m a probationary employee that hasn’t been illegally fired yet. Im a new attorney barred in December. I didn’t take DRP because I don’t believe they will see any of that money after the shutdown/new appropriations bill/CR is passed.

I won’t qualify for VSIP offer because I’m probationary. And when RIFs start being implemented at my agency I’ll be one of the first to go.

Meanwhile, the legal market is absolutely flooded in DC/MD/VA and as a new attorney my lateral options are basically zero. I was supposed to stay at this agency for 3 years minimum.

Combine that with the 8th circuit injunction on the student loan repayment programs that prevent me from changing out of the standard repayment plan and I foresee myself defaulting on my debts and destroying my credit if I don’t find an escape plan soon.

I come from a low income background. I was a non traditional law student, it took me close to 15 years to self correct from my shit family situation and find what I thought was financially stability, a career, and a plan. Now I feel like I’m going to be cast back into borderline poverty because of the timing of this shit and regardless of whether I can get a job later destroying my credit will affect my ability to do literally anything with that money.

Rant over. Sorry