This is the Deferred Resignation agreement for DOI-BOR I recieved.

Burner account,

Replied to the opm email a few hours after it closed out of curiosity. Got an email from my BOR management with the agreement last Thursday. I will not be signing and am waiting for the RIF. Just wanted to share what was sent. Thought item 24 was interesting.


(hereinafter “Employee”) and the United States Department of the Interior (hereinafter the “DOI” or “Department”), acting by and through , the DOI’s representative with actual delegated signing authority, mutually agree to the following terms and conditions, and knowingly and voluntarily enter into this written Agreement, to effectuate Employee’s participation in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program, as initially announced by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (hereinafter “OPM”) on January 28, 2025, and to fully and finally resolve: 1) all issues and/or concerns and/or claims and/or assertions and/or allegations and/or complaints and/or causes of action, if any, potentially or actually arising from Employee’s employment with the DOI occurring on or before the Effective Date of this Agreement; and 2) all claims and/or complaints and/or causes of action, if any, that Employee did file or could have filed in any judicial or administrative forum regarding matters that occurred on or before the Effective Date of this Agreement, which Employee and the Signing Authority must initial and date on pages 2 through 11 of this Agreement and must sign and date on the final page, in order for Employee to become a participant in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program.


WHEREAS, on January 28, 2025, OPM sent DOI employees an e-mail containing the subject line “Fork in the Road,” through which OPM informed DOI employees of a “deferred resignation program” that will allow employees who “resign [or retire] under this program, … [to] retain all pay and benefits regardless of [their] daily workload and [to] be exempted from all applicable in-person work requirements until September 30, 2025,” the date on or before which all voluntary resignations must become effective. That e-mail invited DOI employees to express interest in participating in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program;

WHEREAS, on January 28, 2025, OPM issued further guidance to federal agencies indicating that DOI should provide to employees participating in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program administrative leave as soon as their duties have been reassigned or eliminated;

WHEREAS, OPM has further clarified, both in subsequent guidance statements and in subsequent Frequently Asked Questions, that employees who, at any time during calendar year 2025, can retire from Federal service, including employees who initially become eligible for early retirement through the Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA) associated with the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program, can express interest in participating in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program by voluntarily agreeing to retire from Federal service no later than December 31, 2025, the date on or before which all voluntary retirements must become effective;

WHEREAS, on February 4, 2025, OPM issued guidance regarding the “Legality of Deferred Resignation Program” and reiterated that employees who participate in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program “will also be exempt from any reductions-in-force that are planned for the federal workforce [footnote omitted]”;

WHEREAS, Employee has expressed interest in participating in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program, and DOI has expressed interest in effectuating Employee’s participation in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program;

WHEREAS, Employee and DOI mutually and amicably desire to resolve all claims and complaints and all causes of action, if any, potentially or actually made or filed by Employee, arising from Employee’s employment with DOI and occurring on or before the Effective Date of this Agreement;

WHEREAS, Employee and DOI seek to avoid any administrative and/or judicial litigation in accordance with the terms and conditions fully described below;

WHEREAS, Employee and DOI agree that this Agreement shall become effective on the date that the last signatory initials, signs, and dates this Agreement and that this date shall be referred to as the Effective Date of this Agreement, except as modified by Paragraph 13 of this Agreement, which provides a consideration period and a revocation period under limited circumstances;

NOW THEREFORE, in consideration of these premises, Employee and DOI intend to be legally bound by, and knowingly, voluntarily, and mutually agree to, the terms and conditions described fully below.


  1. Reassignment or Elimination of Work Duties. During the period of time beginning no earlier than February 18, 2025, and ending no later than March 7, 2025, DOI agrees to reassign all work and duties being performed by Employee such that Employee will not be expected to perform any work or duties while participating in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program, after all work and duties have been reassigned. Employee may voluntarily request in writing to continue performing work and duties while participating in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program; however, DOI shall retain complete discretion to deny any such request and shall retain complete discretion regarding the manner in which DOI satisfies the promises and obligations set forth in this Paragraph.

    1. Exemption from In-Office Work Requirements. Following the reassignment of all work and duties, the return of all Government-furnished equipment and property, and the completion of all administrative requirements, as applicable and appropriate, DOI agrees to exempt Employee from all applicable in-person work requirements and from being assigned to performany work or duties, potentially beginning as early as February 18, 2025 and lasting through the duration of Employee’s participation in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program.
    2. Granting of Paid Administrative Leave and Continuation of Full Pay and Benefits. Following successful reassignment or elimination of Employee’s work duties, as set forth in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, DOI agrees to thereafter grant Employee forty (40) hours per week of paid administrative leave (060), beginning no later than March 7, 2025, and lasting through the duration of Employee’s participation in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program. While granted paid administrative leave pursuant to Employee’s participation in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program, Employee shall remain a federal employee and shall receive full pay (including, as applicable, any within-grade increase(s)), benefits (including, as applicable, TSP contributions, health/vision/dental benefits, and the protections of life insurance), annual/sick leave accrual, credit towards retirement benefits, and/or any other similar benefits, for which DOI will continue to make the Government’s required contributions. Employee’s status as a federal employee and receipt of full pay and benefits will continue, even if DOI finds it necessary to effect changes to Employee’s position of record. However, DOI will not be required to grant paid administrative leave if Employee, consistent with Paragraphs 1 and 7 of this Agreement, requests in writing to continue performing work and duties while participating in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program.
    3. Debt Waivers. Either while the Employee is granted paid administrative leave pursuant to Employee’s participation in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program or after the effective date of Employee’s resignation, DOI agrees to waive any debt that Employee owes to DOI pursuant to any recruitment incentive(s), student loan repayment(s), or other service agreement(s). DOI also agrees to waive any remaining service requirements that Employee may owe from taking paid parental leave.
    4. Effect of Lapse in Government Appropriations. If a lapse in appropriations occurs while Employee is participating in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program, DOI shall place Employee in a Shutdown Furlough status in accordance with applicable Federal law. Consistent with the Government Employee Fair Treatment Act of 2019, DOI shall pay Employee as required by statute.
    5. No Other Discretionary Consideration. The parties agree that, with the exception of (a) the consideration specifically described in Paragraphs 1 through 5 of this Agreement and (b) any other consideration required by law, including but not limited to payments required by applicable federal statutes or regulations, Employee is not entitled to, and DOI specifically declines to provide, any other consideration, including but not limited to, any discretionary lump sum payments, severance or inducement payments, attorney’s fees and/or costs, monetary amounts, compensatory damages, interest, unpaid benefits, or any other costs or compensation in connection with (a) Employee’s participation in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program; (b) the resolution of all employment matters occurring on or before the Effective Date of this Agreement; and (c) the resolution of other pending or contemplated claims dismissed, waived, withdrawn, and released occurring on or before the Effective Date of this Agreement.


  1. Continuation of Work Until Effective Reassignment of All Work and Duties. During the period of time beginning on February 18, 2025, and ending no later than March 7, 2025, Employee agrees to continue performing all work and duties, until such time as DOI has complied with Paragraph 1 of this Agreement by reassigning all work and duties being performed by Employee. Employee agrees that DOI may find it necessary to effect changes to Employee’s position of record and further agrees to assist DOI in implementing such necessary changes. As noted in Paragraph 1 of this Agreement, Employee may voluntarily request in writing to continue performing work and duties throughout the entirety of Employee’s participation in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program

  2. If Ineligible or Unwilling to Retire, Employee Shall Resign Voluntarily. If Employee is ineligible for retirement or unwilling to retire on or before December 31, 2025, Employee shall voluntarily resign from Employee’s position of record, effective on September 30, 2025, and shall receive all appropriate pay and benefits associated with the resignation. As applicable and consistent with Paragraph 10 of this Agreement, DOI shall interpret this signed document to constitute and memorialize Employee’s voluntary, unequivocal, and irrevocable decision to resign effective September 30, 2025. However, nothing in this Agreement prevents Employee from setting, in writing, an effective date of resignation earlier than September 30, 2025, and DOI will process Employee’s voluntary resignation in accordance with Employee’s earlier resignation date.

  3. If Initially Eligible to Retire on or Before December 31, 2025, Employee Shall Retire Voluntarily with an Effective Date No Later Than December 31, 2025. If Employee is initially eligible for retirement on or before December 31, 2025, including eligibility pursuant to early retirement permitted by Voluntary Early Retirement Authority (VERA) associated with participation in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program, Employee shall voluntarily retire from the Federal Government no later than December 31, 2025. Employee remains free to retire on any date prior to December 31, 2025, and the retirement date established by Employee shall become the effective date on which Employee begins to receive any and all retirement benefits authorized by applicable law. No later than May 2, 2025 or sixty (60) calendar days prior to the retirement date established by Employee, whichever is earlier, Employee shall submit Employee’s voluntary retirement application, in writing through Standard Form 3107, by electronic mail to . Employee shall indicate at Section B.2 of Standard Form 3107 - Application for Immediate Retirement/Federal Employees Retirement System, that Employee’s voluntary retirementbecomes effective on “December 31, 2025,” or any earlier date established by Employee. Employee’s voluntary written retirement application shall not include any language which expressly states or impliedly suggests that Employee’s decision to retire was involuntary. Employee shall send Employee’s completed voluntary retirement application (Standard Form 3107) to at the following electronic mail address:

  4. Employee’s Voluntary, Unequivocal, and Irrevocable Resignation/Retirement. Employee agrees that acceptance of the valuable consideration described in this Agreement shall constitute and memorialize Employee’s written, knowing, voluntary, unequivocal, and irrevocable decision to resign/retire from Employee’s position of record. Consistent with Employee's clear, voluntary, unequivocal, and irrevocable decision to resign/retire from Employee's position of record, Employee acknowledges that DOI may decline and refuse to grant any subsequent request from Employee to withdraw Employee's voluntary resignation/retirement or to delay the effective date of the resignation/retirement. Employee and DOI agree that the valuable consideration exchanged in this Agreement gives DOI valid reason to decline and refuse to grant any subsequent request from Employee to withdraw this written, knowing, voluntary, unequivocal, and irrevocable resignation/retirement or to delay the effective date of Employee’s resignation/retirement.

  5. Employee’s Cooperation with Reassignment of Work Duties. Prior to being granted paid administrative leave (060) Employee, consistent with Paragraph 1, agrees to assist and cooperate with DOI to facilitate the reassignment or elimination of Employee’s work and duties, the return of Government-furnished equipment and property, and the completion of administrative requirements, as applicable and appropriate.

  6. Employee’s Release of Claims. Employee’s acceptance of the valuable consideration described in this Agreement shall constitute a complete release, waiver, withdrawal, dismissal, and bar of all claims, demands, rights, requests for attorney’s fees, requests for Office of Inspector General (“OIG”) investigations, Office of Special Counsel (“OSC”) complaints, Office of Hearings and Appeals (“OHA”) grievances, Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) appeals, MSPB appeals, formal or informal EEO complaints, complaints or appeals filed in any U.S. District Court or U.S. Court of Appeals, and all causes of actions of any nature, known or unknown, pending or not pending, contingent or fixed, whether or not actually asserted, which Employee has presently or had previously filed against the DOI and any of its bureaus, instrumentalities, current and former officers, employees, agents, and servants on account of or arising directly or indirectly from any acts, omissions, incidents, or circumstances whether they did or did not give rise to any employment-related disputes. This release of claims includes, but is not limited to, Employee’s knowing and voluntary and complete release, waiver, withdrawal, and dismissal of all grievances, complaints, demands, appeals, claims, issues or causes of action in any forum, administrative or judicial, pursuant to the Whistleblower Protection Act of 1989, as amended, 5 U.S.C. §§ 2301-2306; the Whistleblower Protection Enhancement Act of 2012 (codified in scattered sections of 5 U.S.C.); the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) of 1967, as amended, 29 U.S.C. §§ 621 et seq.; Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §§ 2000e et seq.; and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, 29 U.S.C. §§ 701 et seq. This release of claims does not include claims that arise from facts occurring after the Effective Date of this Agreement. By initialing, signing, and dating this Agreement, Employee understands that Employee is not waiving any rights or claims that arise from facts occurring after the Effective Date of this Agreement.

  7. Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) Statement and Waiver and Notice of Right to Revoke, if Applicable. This Paragraph shall only apply if Employee is 40 years of age or older and shall not apply in any way if Employee is not 40 years of age or older. Employee, who is 40 years of age or older, and who either has or has not specifically alleged that Employee was the victim of discrimination prohibited by the ADEA, as amended by the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act of 1990 (OWBPA), understands and acknowledges that by initialing, signing, and dating this Agreement, Employee hereby waives forever any and all claims that DOI, at any time prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement, discriminated against Employee on any basis, including age. If and only if this Paragraph applies, the Effective Date of this Agreement shall be defined as the eighth calendar day after the date the last signatory initials, signs, and dates this Agreement. Employee acknowledges and agrees that (a) Employee clearly understands that Employee is waiving and withdrawing all existing and potential discrimination claims, including those claims actually or potentially brought under the ADEA; (b) Employee clearly understands that Employee is not waiving any rights or claims that may arise from facts occurring after the Effective Date of this Agreement; (c) Employee was advised of Employee’s right to consider this Agreement for a period of fortyfive (45) calendar days before signing it; (d) Employee understands Employee’s right to consider this Agreement for a period of 45 calendar days, beginning February 18, 2025, before signing it; (e) Employee was advised in writing, as evidenced in this Paragraph of this Agreement, to consult with an attorney prior to executing this Agreement; and (f) Employee has received valuable consideration in exchange for Employee’s agreement to waive Employee’s existing or contemplated discrimination claims, including ADEA claim(s) that did or may have arisen from facts occurring before the Effective Date of this Agreement. Pursuant to and consistent with 29 U.S.C § 626(f), Employee acknowledges and agrees that Employee has read this Agreement and fully understands its terms and conditions, and Employee has entered into this Agreement knowingly and voluntarily and of Employee’s own free will. As discussed above in this Paragraph, Employee further acknowledges that Employee has been given forty-five (45) calendar days to consider this Agreement, which documents the valuable consideration provided to Employee. In addition, Employee acknowledges, understands, and agrees that if Employee initials, signs, and dates this Agreement within forty-five (45) calendar days of Employee’s receipt of this Agreement on February 18, 2025, Employee’s initials and signature on this Agreement shall constitute a knowing and voluntary waiver of Employee’s right to a 45-day consideration period. Employee also acknowledges and understands that, no later than seven (7) calendar days following the date on which Employee initials, signs, and dates this Agreement, Employee may revoke this Agreement by providing written notice to via electronic mail at For such revocation to be valid, it must be delivered so that it is received on or before the expiration of the seven (7) calendar day revocation period. If Employee does not revoke this Agreement in writing within the seven (7) calendar day revocation period, DOI shall conclude that Employee has ratified this Agreement as initialed, signed, and dated by Employee. This release of claims does not include any ADEA and/or OWBPA rights or ADEA and/or OWBPA claims that arise from facts occurring after the Effective Date of this Agreement. By initialing, signing, and dating this Agreement, Employee understands that Employee is not waiving any ADEA and/or OWBPA rights or ADEA and/ or OWBPA claims that arise from facts occurring after the Effective Date of this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement, including but not limited to, DOI’s grant of administrative leave consistent with the language in Paragraph 3 above, shall be construed to interfere in any way with the rights described in this Paragraph.

  8. Attorney’s Fees and Costs. Employee shall be completely responsible for paying the entire amount of any and all attorney’s fees and costs that Employee may have incurred or did incur in connection with, or prior to, filing, advancing, processing, and resolving (a) this instant Agreement; (b) the resolution of all employment matters that Employee had or might have had prior to the Effective Date of this Agreement; (c) the resolution of other pending or contemplated claims dismissed, waived, withdrawn, and released in accordance with the terms of this Agreement; and (d) the withdrawal with prejudice of assertions, allegations, and all causes of action arising from Employee’s employment with the DOI.

  9. Ongoing Ethics Obligations. Employee acknowledges that until Employee has officially separated from federal service, Employee remains subject to all federal ethics laws and regulations, the DOI supplemental ethics regulations, and the Hatch Act. Upon separation, Employee acknowledges that Employee will be subject to the post-Government employment restrictions at 18 U.S.C. § 207, and, if applicable, the post-government requirements of the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act at 43 U.S.C. § 1355 and/or the procurement integrity provisions at 41 U.S.C. § 2104. If Employee files a public financial disclosure report pursuant to the Ethics in Government Act (EIGA) at 5 U.S.C. Chapter 131, Employee acknowledges that until Employee has officially separated from federal service, Employee must continue to meet appliable reporting requirements, if any, including, but not limited to: (a) Employee must continue to file periodic, annual, and termination reports as required by section 13105 of the EIGA and 5 C.F.R. § 2634.201; and (b) Employee must comply with the requirements at 5 U.S.C. § 13103 to file a notification with their local ethics official within three business days of engaging in negotiations for post-Government employment or entering into an arrangement for such employment.

  10. Non-DOI Employment While Granted Administrative Leave. Employee may generally accept non-DOI employment while granted administrative leave pursuant to participation in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program, provided it is in accordance with all federal ethics laws and regulations, the DOI supplemental ethics regulations, the Hatch Act, and any other applicable limitations on the employment activities of employees of certain Department Bureaus and Offices. This includes, but is not limited to, the provisions prohibiting certain representational activities at 18 U.S.C. §§ 203 and 205 and requirements at 5 C.F.R. Part 3501, including the provisions in 5 C.F.R. § 3501.105 that require prior written approval before engaging in outside employment with prohibited sources. For ethics-related questions and guidance, including information regarding the scope of ethical obligations, Employee may contact a DOI Ethics counselor at and/or by telephone at 202-208- 7960 and/or by mail at 1849 C Street, NW, MS 5311, Washington, DC 20240.


  1. No Criminal Misconduct. Employee represents that Employee has not engaged in any criminal misconduct and further certifies that Employee will not engage in criminal misconduct while participating in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program. Employee further acknowledges, understands, and agrees that if Employee is charged with criminal misconduct while participating in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program, this Agreement becomes voidable at the sole and exclusive discretion of DOI.

  2. No Other Actions Filed by Employee. Consistent with Paragraph 12, Employee represents and certifies that Employee has not filed or made any other complaint, grievance, claim, or appeal against DOI or any current or former DOI employees in any judicial or administrative forum that remains unresolved. Employee further agrees and represents that this Agreement resolves all issues, claims, and employment-related matters that Employee has filed, could have filed, or contemplated filing against the DOI or any of its Bureaus, Offices, subcomponents, or current or former employees in any judicial or administrative forum, through and including the Effective Date of this Agreement.


  1. No Precedential Value. This Agreement shall neither establish any precedent nor be used by Employee or any representative organization in an attempt to justify similar terms for disputes involving the DOI, in any subsequent appeal, complaint, claim, case, or matter before the U.S. Merit Systems Protection Board; the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission; the U.S. Office of Special Counsel; the Federal Labor Relations Authority; the DOI’s Office of Inspector General; the DOI’s Office of Hearings and Appeals; or any other administrative or judicial body or forum or arbitrator.

  2. No Admission of Liability. This Agreement shall not in any way constitute an admission or concession that the DOI (including any of its current or former employees, or other employees of the Federal government), acted improperly, misbehaved in the federal workplace, committed any harmful procedural error, engaged in any prohibited personnel practice, treated Employee in a discriminatory or retaliatory manner, or violated any Federal or State laws, rules, regulations, or policies. In addition, DOI, current and former officers, employees, agents, servants, instrumentalities, representatives, administrators, successors, and assigns expressly and specifically deny that they individually or collectively acted improperly, misbehaved in the federal workplace, committed any harmful procedural error, engaged in any prohibited personnel practice, treated Employee in a discriminatory or retaliatory manner, or violated any Federal or State laws, rules, regulations, or policies.

  3. Effect of Initials and Signatures. The initials and signatures affixed to this Agreement establish that Employee and , on behalf of DOI, (a) have read this entire document, (b) have knowingly, voluntarily, and in good faith entered into this Agreement, (c) have not been induced by or through fraud, misrepresentation, duress, threat, or coercion, (d) have not been misled by mutual mistake, (e) fully understand all terms and conditions described in this Agreement, (f) agree with all terms and conditions described in this Agreement, and (g) agree to satisfy and perform, in good faith, the terms and conditions described in this Agreement.

  4. Consistency with Existing Law. Employee and DOI mutually agree that the provisions of this Agreement are consistent with and do not supersede, conflict with, or otherwise alter Employee's obligations, rights, or liabilities created by existing laws, rules, and regulations, including obligations established under statute, regulations, or Executive Orders relating to (a) classified information, (b) communications to Congress, (c) the reporting to an Inspector General of a violation of any law, rule, or regulation, or mismanagement, a gross waste of funds, an abuse of authority, or a substantial and specific danger to public health or safety, or (d) any other whistleblower protection. The definitions, requirements, obligations, rights, sanctions, and liabilities created by controlling laws, rules, and regulations, including Executive Orders and statutory provisions, are incorporated into this Agreement and are controlling. In addition, consistent with, and notwithstanding, Paragraph 27 of this Agreement, if Employee becomes subject to military orders while granted administrative leave pursuant to Employee’s participation in the Deferred Resignation/Retirement Program, the parties agree that Employee’s requirements pursuant to those military orders, and any other associated laws, rules, and guidance, shall supersede any conflicting terms found in this Agreement.

  5. No Constraints on Protected Activity. No provision of this Agreement shall be read or construed to prohibit, restrict, or otherwise discourage Employee from participating in protected activity, including but not limited to: disclosing government fraud, waste, abuse; reporting a violation of law, rule or regulation; participating in an investigation; testifying in proceedings; or otherwise providing information to the government.

  6. Effect of Noncompliance Due to Events Beyond Parties’ Control (Force Majeure). Neither party shall be liable for noncompliance with any obligation in this Agreement caused by events beyond the control of either party that prevents either party from complying with any obligation in this Agreement. Such events include, but are not limited to, fire, hurricane, flood or other acts of nature or acts of God, accidents, war, acts of terrorism, civil unrest, embargo, governmental acts, lapses in appropriations, or other legal restrictions. If a party is delayed in performing, in whole or in part, its obligations under this Agreement, that party is excused from such performance and such nonperformance will not make the party liable to the other party. The nonperforming party shall, as promptly as reasonably possible, notify the other party of the reasons for the delay and its good faith efforts to ensure performance.

  7. No Nondisclosure or General Confidentiality. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed as a general confidentiality provision.

  8. Merger Clause. This Agreement represents the final and complete understanding between Employee and DOI and supersedes all other written and verbal (express or implied) agreements that Employee and DOI discussed or exchanged or considered and that address the abovereferenced employment matters, and/or other pending or contemplated claims dismissed, waived, withdrawn, and released in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The terms of this Agreement may only be modified in writing and by mutual written consent signed by Employee and the DOI, acting by and through an authorized DOI representative.

  9. Severability. Employee and the DOI agree that the terms and provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed severable, and any invalidity or unenforceability of any provision(s) found in this Agreement shall not affect the validity or enforceability of this Agreement as a whole. If any section of this Agreement is determined to be unenforceable, the rest and remainder of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

  10. Duplicate, Faxed and Electronic Copies as Originals. This Agreement may be initialed, signed, and dated in any number of counterparts. If duplicate, faxed, and electronic copies of this Agreement contain identical initials, signatures, and dates as in the original, the duplicate, faxed, and electronic copies of this Agreement shall represent originals and have the same force and effect as an original. Electronic signatures shall be treated as valid as pen/ink ones.